Enter your postcode to find out if you are in our collection zone.DONATING YOUR CLOTHES SAVES LIVES!
Aegis Trust works to prevent genocide. Developed with survivors of genocide in Rwanda, Aegis Trust’s Peace Education rebuilds trust in divided communities. In Central African Republic, violence is growing. Peace Education is being called for to help people give up revenge, lay down weapons and build peace. Thousands of lives can be saved.
Your donations make this possible!
To make your life easier, we come to your front door.
All you have to do is:
1. Fill your empty bags or boxes with clothes and accessories
Check your postcode to see if you are eligible for home collection
Book a collection
4. We collect your donations right outside your door!
We provide many alternatives if this option isn't available so please continue to donate your clothes when possible to help support the Aegis Trust.
Locations we collect from
10 Mile radius from our warehouse - NG3 1GE
(e.g. Nottingham, Derby, Leicester & other areas)